aside Azealia Banks: The Wicked Witch Of The East Coast?

Azealia Banks/ Promo Image
Azealia Banks/ Promo Image

Azealia Banks is no stranger to twitter beefs. In fact, she’s been around the twitter beef block more often than not in the past year. From attacking Iggy Azalea about her song “PU$$Y”, to that little spat with Nicki about her being offered to tour with the Big Pink in the UK. Surprisingly, Azealia and the members of her kuntbrigade always insist that she’s the victim. At some point one has to ask how someone who insists that she hates drama is always a part of it. Right now Azealia’s twitter time line is any blogger’s wet dream. In fact, it’s the blogging equivalent of a virgin walking into a whore house in Bangkok.


On Thursday, things came to a head when Azealia and upcoming rapper Angel Haze took each other on on twitter. It all started rather innocently when Banks remarked that non-New Yorkers should not claim New York as their own. Haze insulted Banks and made disgusting remarks about the latter’s skin colour, for which she later apologized. Azealia, however, wasn’t having none of it. She proper hung Haze out to dry. She tweeted that Haze had to work on her “tuck game”, implying that Haze looks like a man. She also tweeted later that she’d use the energy from this feud to create a new track, “NoProblems”, which is quite hot and fiery. On “No Problems”, Banks raps that Haze is a “butch bitch with blue balls”.

Again, Haze released a follow-up track. On “Shut The Fuck Up”, Haze comments that Banks should commit suicide because she (Banks) can’t beat her (Haze). Even Perez Hilton got some of Azealia’s heat. The former bad-gay-gone-good blogger tweeted that Azealia is trash and, as is the case with trash, she must be disposed of. Azealia proceeded to call Perez a faggot because, according to her, he behaves like a woman. Yes, that was her reason. She also defended her use of language, stating that she also uses the words nigga and dyke to no complaints. Hate speech remains hate speech, whether Perez is a “roach” or not Azealia.

Azealia darling, I remember what you said at the GQ awards re being reactionary to criticism. The Hip-Hop community knows you are an easy target to start beef with. Your problem is not that you speak your mind, it’s not knowing when to keep quiet. As for Angel Haze, you just received third place on the BBC’s Sound Of 2013 poll. Why are you out here beefing with another female MC you could be making sick beats with? Hip-Hop is hungry for hot female MCs who could represent what the genre stands for. Go do that.

PS Azealia: One can be from anywhere in the world and still be an authentic New Yorker. It’s a mindset, not just geography.

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